[来源:www.aoyou56.com] [作者:网站建设] [日期:17-02-15] [浏览次数:]
经济贸易分为外贸和内贸,顾名思义,外贸主要是和外国人打交道,和外国人进行经济贸易来往,而内贸呢,主要是在国内从事经济贸易活动。近年来,从事外贸交易还是不错的,利润比较高一些,因此一些企业有强烈的网站建设需求,希望建设一个好的外贸网站促进业务的发展,但外贸网站建设和内贸网站建设是不同的,那么二者的区别是什么呢?小编为大家做个介绍 Economic and trade into foreign trade and domestic trade, just as its name implies, the foreign trade is mainly dealing with foreigners, and foreign economic trade relations, and domestic trade, mainly engaged in economic and trade activities in China. In recent years, engaged in foreign trade is still quite good of, some with higher profits, some companies have a strong sense of website construction requirements, hope to build a good web site to promote the business of foreign trade development, but the website construction of foreign trade and domestic trade website construction is different, so what is the difference between the two? Small make up to introduce them for you 1 服务器选择方面的差异 1 server selection differences   这一点极为关键,而且有着严格的要求。外贸网站所使用的服务器必须要使用国外的服务器,通常使用美国的虚拟主机。当然国内的香港主机也可以适当使用,总的来说,还是欧美的服务器更加合适。而内贸网站则应该使用国内的服务器,这样有助于提升访问的速度。 This is very critical, and there are strict requirements. Used by the foreign trade website server must use the overseas server, often use the virtual host in the United States. Of course domestic Hong Kong host also can use appropriately, on the whole, or in Europe and the us server is more appropriate. While domestic trade site should use the domestic server, this helps to improve access speed. 2 网站定位上的差异。  2 site positioning differences.     外贸网站顾名思义就是将消费群定位在国外,而内贸网站的定位自然就是国内的普通民众。由此可见外贸网站的用户群更加复杂,而且和国内的用户之间的网站使用习惯都会存在着巨大的差异,因此在建设外贸网站时,首先你要明确选择哪一个国家,或者哪几个国家的用户作为你营销的目标,然后再据此了解这些国家的文化和民众的喜好,从而建设相应的网站,这样才能够更好的定位网站。 Foreign trade website just as its name implies is to make consumers positioning in foreign countries, and domestic trade website localization nature is the domestic ordinary people. Thus the foreign trade website user base is more complex, and domestic users between websites use habits, there are huge differences in the construction of the foreign trade website, first you have to explicitly choose which a country, or a few countries which users as your marketing goals, and then on the basis of understanding the culture of these countries and people's preferences, so as to build the corresponding website, so can better positioning.
